This weekend I produced a document. It was an estimate/responsetoarequestforproposal/business requirements document all wrapped up in one. I guess really a proposal should contain an estimate and a high-level business requirements document, so I suppose the document was actually more easily described as a proposal.
I hope I am chosen over the other company. I'd do a better job of it all.
However, for the last 6 weeks another client has been especially pig-headed over the information architecture and intentions I've made clear. I have no idea why I suggested working with them for such a pittance. Did I take pity on them?
But I am managing their expectations by making sure I toss everything back at them as quickly as they toss it over to me.
Me: "I will do this, and this based on our previous discussions. Please provide approvals."
Them: "We want you to do this [totally different subject]."
Me: "Okay, but what about that and that, as mentioned? [Wake up, pay attention]"
Them: "We want you to do this. "
Me: "Okay, but first, let's cover off that and that, as that and that needs to be covered before considering this, and briefly here is why: [I describe reasons briefly]."
Them: Expanding gulf of silence sucking in all sentient beings, all matter and all spirit. Days go by before I hear from them, and instead of phoning them and making short work of the issue, I let them digest my words.
Me: [Thought bubble -"Why did I suggest working with them for such a pittance?"]
Me: [Thought bubble -"Why don't I just phone them and get this sorted out?"]
The sign I made and stuck to my office wall at work says "Speak first, E-mail second". It works at work. Why shouldn't it work with freelance work? I suppose I'm just worried that they'll flounder and then it will take me $500,000 worth of effort and time to walk them through the rather simple process of doing this stupid job for them. And that is somewhat more money than I am charging them.
My fault. I should phone them. Really I should.