Despite the intriguing title above, this post is very matter-of-fact. This post is to help me feel better about a programming/development hurdle I'm experiencing. You don't need to read this if you don't want to. You won't find anything especially interesting in it. Really.
You have been warned.
For the last couple of weeks I've been working on a freelance project to redevelop an existing website to make it work better and to install a shopping cart / e-commerce system.
I shopped around for some good software and decided on a .NET product. It is built in .NET, so VB and compiled dlls and that sort of business. I know classic ASP - VBScript and such - pretty much inside out. But I haven't delved into VB or C++ yet and don't fully get the .NET paradigm. I'm sure it is more efficient and better and tastes better for longer, but it is tricky. The big thing has been to get the server set up with the correct permissions. I was dealing with a situation late last night where one directory would let other application files access it but not get a response. So apparently that's now fixed - according to the host guy.
Next steps are to populate the store with merchandise data - I have a product matrix populated by the client. And cleaned up by me. Then all I need to do from there is customize the html look and feel (which I have already done for the main sections), test it, get client acceptance, transfer the domain nameserver info, and go live.
If - when I get home tonight - the permissions are set correctly and the application compiles and publishes fine, then I can get to work and I'll be oh so happy.
If I run into a roadblock again I'll be frustrated.
I hope you've enjoyed this post. I know it wasn't very interesting.
But then again, you were warned.