Today's post hoc checklist:

- Heat up Turkey soup that I made recently, add extra water to it because it smells pretty strong, toast 2 pieces of bread and spread heart-friendly Becel margarine across them. - DONE
- Walk Monty. - DONE
- Eat my breakfast (see above). - DONE
- Apply for jobs online. - DONE
- Field a phone call from Barbara a job agent and respond appropriately to her questions above the position that is in place for the director position, stumble a bit about my .NET experience and tell her I have very little .NET experience. - DONE
- Read blogs. - DONE
- Walk Monty. - DONE
- Begin cleaning house - dust, vacuum, do dishes, wash shower floor with 'CLR', rinse hands of stinging burning 'CLR' cleanser, block up toilet with paper towels. - DONE
- Plow through stacks of paper and documents on desk, dispose of useless pamphlets, separate Monty documents from financial documents from employment documents from condominium documents from foster child documents. - DONE
- Peruse my new camping and hiking wilderness skills book that Spring got me for Christmas and stare helplessly and longingly at images of various kinds of camp fires and imagine cooking over said fires. - DONE
- Phone Spring. - DONE
- Phone Spring again. - DONE
- Pick Spring and her mum up from Eaton Centre. - DONE
- Observe Boxing Day shooting scene. - DONE
- Observe cop cars parked nearby. - DONE
- Stop at Loblaws and shop for food. - DONE
- Get home. - DONE
- Walk Monty. - DONE
- Eat a little. - DONE
- Chat. - DONE
- Drink a beer. - DONE
- Watch TV. - DONE
- Read news online. - DONE
- Watch TV. - DONE
- Walk Monty. - DONE
- Apply for jobs online. - DONE
- Put Monty to bed, Spring is already in bed. - DONE
- Compose and post blog entry. - DONE
- Go to sleep - NOT YET