Folks forward me e-mail messages with the single line above them reading "FYI". They expect me to wrap my limited brain capacity around what the e-mail trail is all about, and the reason as to why they're sending it to me in the first place. I wish instead that they would take the 20 seconds it takes to write something like "FYI - the materials are arriving next Mon - no action required." or "FYI - the materials have arrived - immediate action required."
Folks smoke in the doorway outside my place of work. I am sometimes tempted to stand in the doorway outside my place of work with a nasty cheap can of air freshener ($1.00 at the Dollar Store) and empty the cannister while they're standing around. How do like it when I stink up your hair and clothes you inconsiderate idiots - does nicotine dampen your ability to imagine that some people don't want your disgusting smoke all over them?
I'm having a good day.