Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Denmark royal recommends dog meat

This story I pulled off of UPI is real. And apparently this guy is the honorary president of the Danish Dachshund Club. Gives new meaning to the term Sausage Dog. Not sure if the link will still work, but here it is.

COPENHAGEN, Denmark, May 3 (UPI) -- Denmark's Prince Henrik -- who is honorary president of the Danish Dachshund Club -- says dog meat is one of his favorite foods.

The 72-year-old prince consort has created controversy with his interview in the magazine Ud&Se in which he urged his countrymen to try dog meat, either fried or grilled, the Telegraph reported Wednesday.

"I do not mind eating dog meat at all," he said. "The dogs I eat have been bred to be eaten anyway, just like chickens.

"It tastes like rabbit, like dry venison, or like veal -- just drier," he added.

He suggested the dog meat be sautéed or grilled and cut into thin slices.