Thursday, November 16, 2006

Lobsters, Proposals, Requirements Analyses and the Fog

The weather is awfully strange here in Toronto. Today looking out my office window, I saw dark foggy clouds rolling in over the city skyline, with a blue sky peering over it all. Tonight I took the pooch out for a walk on the marina, and out onto the pier. It must be 10 degrees here, and the fog seems to hold the warmth of the day. The lights on the pier glowed meekly in the fog and a police boat pushed quietly and darkly in past the marina entrance and out towards the island airport.

Spring is pursuing lobsters in Maine right now.

I am at work at 8:00 PM monitoring a project I have been working on for the past few months. So far so good. Yesterday I partly presented a proposal I wrote for work, and it went quite well. For a non-sales person, I'd say it went extremely well. But the proof is in the pudding, and if we win the 4 bids for which I wrote the proposals for over the past month, then I'll feel really good about my achievements.

It feels really good finding your sweet spot in your own work life, where your role begins to meet up with your talents and strengths. Requirements analysis, writing, project plans and proposals seem to be where I am doing well - but again, the proof is in the pudding.

Well, back to work and home at 10:00 PM. Monty will be happy when I get home, Spring's back tomorrow or Saturday. Maybe she'll bring a lobster or two home.