Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Long Weekend and a Bright Red Car

This weekend is going to be a good weekend.

We are doing a major clean today, final unpacking, and arranging of the new house.

My parents are coming over on Sunday morning, we're going to have lunch, and then they'll be able to explore and poke around - they've only seen photos so far.

Yoyar is coming by on Sunday evening to perform a religious incantation involving beers - this will bless the house in a malty/hoppy kind of way.

I mowed the lawns Thursday after work, and have a little gardening I want to do.

Am going to plant tomatoes, and we'll see what else...

Monty is thoroughly enjoying the backyard and sits - as I write this - squeaking at the bottom of the basement steps wanting to go outside.

We are regulating his outside time, his leg has to heal...

We picked up Spring's car from the dealership yesterday - it is bright red.

I drove it around a little last night, it is packed with features and is just an awesome car to drive about.

Must go - good bah for now.