Early this morning Monty and I went for a walk in the valley. The snow is gone for now, and the colours and signs of life are revealed.
A dormant, or empty wasps nest - the size of a football - clings to branches.
Red berries still shine.
The reds and brown of bark and decayed wood glow in the early morning light.
Mosses show they have made it through the bitter cold.
A footprint reveals the passage of perhaps a raccoon.
Pine resin spills and congeals on the bark.
An oblong gall has bulged in this purple spiked undergrowth. A white grub lays in the middle, waiting for the warmth of spring when the flowing of sap will awaken it.
The bright red of osier dogwood wakens up the drab colours - I love the look of this shrub. Moose and bear love the taste. There are no moose or bear in these parts - just beagles and raccoons.
Buds are waiting for warmer days to begin their task.
Dried maple seedpods flutter in the breeze.