Saturday, March 15, 2008

What You Can Do with Mungo Says Bah

Did you know that you can do more than simply read Mungo Says Bah?
  1. You can Search the last 3 years of posts by using the search form at the top of each page.
  2. You can Subscribe to receive complete posts in your e-mail so that you can read it wherever and whenever you want. This is a good thing.
  3. You can Subscribe to the Feeds by using the widget on the right - you can subscribe in your RSS Feed Reader (I use Google Reader - it is free and convenient) to both the posts and to the comments.
  4. You can review this blog's 'authority' by visiting the Technorati page devoted to Mungo Says Bah. Technorati is a blog aggregator and community.
  5. You can join the Facebook Mungo Says Bah Fan Page. That's a good one.
  6. You can vote for Mungo Says Bah in BlogCatalog. This will share the the news with other bloggers out there. A good thing.
  7. You can browse blog posts by the category I have assigned to them. For instance, when I blog about Bushcraft, I 'tag' the post with 'bushcraft' - that feature is over on the right...
  8. You can browse post archive on the right, by date and title.
  9. You can check out tons of outdoors, bushcraft, camping and otherwise excellent blogs in my 'blogroll' list in the right column - a great resource, and I update it from time to time when I find something fascinating. Feel free to ask me to add you to my list if you have a related blog.
  10. You can review my Flickr photogallery - I put all of my photographs in full resolution there.
  11. You can obviate my literary obfuscation instantly by double-clicking on any word on my blog, to take advantage of the widget I have installed. Very benignant, wouldn't you say?
  12. You can add a post that you enjoy to Technorati or to StumbleUpon using the links at the bottom of each post. I'd appreciate it if you would 'Stumble' my posts to share them with the world.
  13. You can contribute to the dialogue by posting comments by clicking on the 'Comments' link at the end of each post. You can also elect to receive additional comments on a particular post by selecting a checkbox - that's useful if you wish to follow the conversation about a particular post.
Hope this information has been useful to you - enjoy your day!

