The last couple of weeks I haven't had much chance to get out into the woods. My new job is going very well, and I have been fully engaged there. Last weekend I was sick with the plague - or at least a very bad cold and all I could do on the Monday holiday (Victoria Day in Canada) was shuffle out into the park behind the house with Monty the beagle and sit sniffling and coughing on a bench while he snuffled and cavorted about nearby.
I am hoping at the very least to begin to make the 1 mile walk around the perimeter of my work's compound - it winds through some bushy areas and there are lots of wild plants there to explore and to photograph.
A dog walker told me a few months ago that there is a thousand-acre forest about a 30 minute drive from here - so I think I'll poke around there and visit it in the coming weeks.
Decado has bought the farm - a 70-acre farm apparently - so I am awaiting his generous invitation to go out there and explore the thickets and woods.
Hopefully he reads this and provides a generous invitation to go out there and explore the thickets and woods.
I certainly hope that he reads this and provides a generous invitation to go out there and explore the thickets and woods.
A generous invitation to go out there and explore the thickets and woods would be terrific.
Just saying.
In non-woodsy related news, Spring and I intend to visit a sunny clime sometime this summer and spend a bit of time by a beach. That should be a nice relief... Monty will likely stay at a friend's house.