Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday Evening Walk in the Park

Mungo Says Bah!
Sunday evening has arrived - after a week of holiday, it's back to work.

Mungo Says Bah!
These daisies don't go to work. They just blow in the wind.

Mungo Says Bah!
These conifer cones are bright green.

Mungo Says Bah!
A solidified sap or resin leaks from them.

Mungo Says Bah!
Both Monty and a red insect explore the park with me.

Mungo Says Bah!
The crab apples are getting big - and sweet. I tried a couple.

Mungo Says Bah!
This Day Lilly stood out from amongst the brush growing alongside the park.

Mungo Says Bah!
These cones were so bright and full of eyes.

Mungo Says Bah!
I wonder if I could make a jam out of these crab apples. Or even a pie.

Mungo Says Bah!
Well - that's all for tonight - hope you've had a great weekend!

