Saturday, September 13, 2008

Aboriginal Films and Fussing with my Kit

Today is a day for fussing about with my knapsack and kit, and trying to figure out how to reduce the weight. I've decided to bring my tent after all, and I'm sure I'll find a way to reduce the load in other ways though. I have one more wool blanket to roll up and affix to my knapsack, and I'm going to bring a backup mora knife. Redundancy is good.

I am bring John Le Carre's "Smiley's People", a Tom Clancy book and a book on wild edible plants. They should keep me occupied in the quiet hours.

I came across the following films on the National Film Board of Canada's web site. You have to see them, for the bushcraft, the hunting, the shelter building, and more that the Inuit of north eastern Canada engage in.
The Films
The Aboriginal Perspectives module contains 33 documentaries, a short fiction film, and 5 film clips. These productions do not represent the entirety of the films on Canada’s native peoples in the NFB collection, which comprises more than 700 such works. We did want it, however, to be a representative sample of the whole. The user will find films on many important aspects of Aboriginal culture and heritage, its diverse communities, and some of the major issues and significant moments in its history. These films, more than half of which were made by Aboriginal people, are the work of experienced filmmakers, such as Alanis Obomsawin and Gil Cardinal, and filmmakers in the early stages of their career, such as Elisapie Isaac and Bobby Kenuajuak.
The few that I have seen this morning, and recommend are:
I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

