Now that the snow and blowing winter winds have come, I have gone out and stocked up on bird food. I also bought a large sack of animal-grade peanuts.
Careful analysis has revealed that despite my best efforts, beagles eat bird food. Specifically, Monty likes to nibble on the peanuts that I have put out for the squirrels.
He is on a diet - I am feeding him 1 cup of calorie-reduced kibble, and 3 diet milk bones a day. He is complaining more and more. Poor little guy.
We have the Christmas tree up now. It looks nice and shiny. Christmas will be here in less than 3 weeks.
Add another 4 weeks to that and Monty is going to have a little brother. A little brother who will not be as furry as Monty was when he came home with us.