Thursday, July 8, 2004

About Mungo Says Bah

I began writing and showing my photographs on Mungo Says Bah! a few years ago and very soon began to focus on writing about camping, bushcraft, flora, nature and primitive skills.

Born in England, and transplanted to Canada shortly afterward, I was almost named Mungo - a traditional Scottish name. Sometime after those events, I married a Turkish girl. We met Monty our beagle while shopping for fish food for Sigmund the goldfish at a pet store two days later.

During weekdays I happily work at a broadcasting firm in the information technology department - managing projects and technical resources - every day it feels like I am going to school again.

Something that this blog has enabled me to do over the past few years is to stop and look at the small things around me. My camera has faithfully captured many of these plants and landscapes around me - and my memory has packed in so many more scenes and reflections and thoughts. I have put some of these down in words, and share them on these pages.

