Thursday, October 27, 2005

I dare you to drop by my office today.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

All asset management and no play makes Mungo a frustrated, bothered, depressed, procrasinating boy.

I'm at the point that all I can do is book my calendar solid with 'ASSETS' in the appointment subject line and shut my door and let the phone ring through to voice-mail and get it all done.
Wish me luck and wish me some more.

On a lighter note, I have 3 chicken legs for lunch today. I was going to bring boerwors but I thought "No. I have 3 chicken legs for lunch today."

On a more serious note, Spring and I didn't win the 6/49 big prize. We might have won a smaller prize, must check my tickets.

On a more utilitarian note, I wish I had a personal assistant to do all this asset management crap (AMC).

Wait - I will look at this AMC as an opportunity to learn more, as a chance to succeed, and as a chance to develop valuable AMC experience. Stupid goldarned AMC.