Today has been non-stop typing away on my new laptop here at work. I energetically engaged in methodical asset management. I contacted tons of people. I even spoke with an appreciative-sounding GM dealer related to this project. I have worked to my best abilities today - I deserve my paycheque this week.
Went on another [just in case] interview this morning - it went well. Then I had another [just in case] interview on the phone - that Senior Management job. It sounded complicated. But I'd get a discount on my cell phone and hi-speed cable account if I got the job. So that's a good thing. :-
The weekend is almost upon us - 30 minutes to go. In that time I expect to clean up my desk of papers, sticky notes, etc... plan out my day on Monday and go the heck home.
I suppose if I'd wanted a job where I wasn't so stressed out, I'd work as a developer or something. At least I'd be told what to do, and when. I'm sort of balanced between two points right now in my brain: I have done a ton today and feel a great sense of accomplishment - I have done a lot today but I'm possibly missing out some important stuff and the account manager is a crusty bastard and is thinking bad things of me. Hey. I am just one guy doing a day's work. A high-quality day's work I think, but still one guy.