Status on the web site I'm building:
Yet to complete:
- installing SSL certificate in directory on the server.
- SSL assets must be duplicated to /image/ folder beneath /ssl/.
- 404 error handling page must be updated to the custom one I've created on the server
- Make sure correct mail server settings are in the database
- ensuring the header and footer - i.e. the wrap - of the secure e-commerce pages conform to the site skin (tackled a few yesterday)
- update homepage with the wonderful news that all users will receive a 5% discount on items for the next 11 months (have .psd now)
- Negotiate business rules handling for value-based shipping. (Have explained position - haven't heard back in 3 days)
Status on shaving and showering today: considered, no concrete steps taken
Status on reducing my life to a series of reportable status items: underway
Eat a Peach.