It includes the following 4 items:
1. biteme1
This is my new password for the finance/estimate intranet application. This password needed to be renewed, as mine was very old (over 3 months old - this is the age that your baby may be able to lift his head and hold it for several moments, or even longer, while lying on his back.), and I needed to submit an estimate for a docket.
The application has restrictions on password generation which I have figured out without a helpful prompt:
- Password must include a numeral
- Password must not be a dictionary word.
- Password must not be stupidstupidstupidstupidstupidstupid(I think because it is too long)
The crappy interface does not tell you in advance what passwords are valid, so after a few attempts I managed to have "biteme1" allowed. So, "bite" would not be valid, according to the restrictions. "Bite1" would not be valid, according to the restrictions. And so "biteme1" is it.
2. update redemption allowances information.
I don't know what this means. So I will move on to the next item, which reads:
3. Exhaustive product matrix required!!!
This relates to the items that the web store I'm building must include. I don't have all the items, despite assurances from the client... This is one piece of the puzzle that remains - the rest of the puzzle includes simple formatting issues like (which I haven't included on the list because I've included them in an Excel issues list:
- ensuring the header and footer - i.e. the wrap - of the secure e-commerce pages conform to the site skin).
- installing SSL certificate in directory on the server.
- update homepage with the wonderful news that all users will receive a 5% discount on items for the next 11 months ( "your baby now talks in conversational gibberish.")
- 404 error handling page must be updated to the custom one I've created on the server.
- SSL assets must be duplicated to /image/ folder beneath /ssl/.
- Negotiate business rules handling for value-based shipping. I have it working just fine. Don't mess with success.
- Make sure correct mail server settings are in the database.
4. white-gas lantern
Which means I want one for Christmas, so I don't have to lug butane/propane mixes around in the bush. I can use naptha for both my stove and my lantern...