Monday, November 7, 2005

What I'm up to today and no wonder they make cheese in Wisconsin.

Given that my contract is running out, the project is shutting down and that they're tossing me a bone occasionally with little pissy tasks/projects (yes I wrote Pissy), I have decided to spend some of my time working on a freelance gig - in the downtime of course (lunch, etc...). Yes.

It's that ASP.NET project I've been doing - this weekend I really got into the code and realized it ain't much different from classic ASP stuff. I found some efficient ways to code classic ASP sites over the last couple of years that basically save me time and effort. ASP.NET seems to capture these practises, I don't know what it is called (Object Oriented or something? I dunno, I studied Psych.)... So basically it isn't all that difficult to code this stuff. VB rather than VBScript, but tomatos, tomatos. Or is it tomatoes? I forget.

I love this coding so much, maybe I should be a coder. Anyways... Spring's in Wisconsin - it is really big. She's got a 3 hour trip ahead of her, and I think another 3 hours back or something... Crazy big spaces in Wisconsin.

No wonder they make cheese there (non sequitur)

I'm getting back to work now. Later folks. Thanks for all of your good cheer.