We ate at Red Lobster tonight - due to circumstances beyond their control (according to a sign taped to the front counter) they regretted that they could not serve alcohol. The maitre d' told me in an irritated tone that someone at head office had forgotten to renew the liquor license for that location. This is probably the busiest Red Lobster in Toronto.
Someone is going to be in trouble on Monday.
As an experiment I bought some Labatt Maximum Ice on the way home. This advertises itself as Biere Forte. I am going to experiment on myself with this. I shall let you know if anything happens out of the ordinary.
Earlier this afternoon we all drove to PetSmart to load up on Beagle supplies - we got Monty some treats, and a couple of toys. The one toy that impresses him the most is a small hollow yellow spikey squeaky ball. He has been manically chewing this for the last hour. It is so loud my ears are ringing. He loves it. I think the best part about it is that due to its spikiness, he can't chew into it and tear it apart. He is in love with his squeaky toy.
Spring is trying hard to finish a book she's been working on all this week. Our trip to Red Lobster interrupted the final 2 chapters and she has demonstrated the patience of the saints putting up with Monty's incessant high-volume toy-squeaking. On Monday she's off to Wisconsin to find vast supplies of paper.
I've had one of those beers during the time it took to write this. So far I'm feeling a bit woozy. I think I'll continue the experiment.
To Serve and Protect was just on. It showcased 2 officers investigating a report of a dirty van. It was very dirty inside also. Then they investigated a report of someone urinating in an underground parking garage. Then they investigated a man with crutches for lingering around a store. They determined he was lingering around the store because he was on crutches and it was hard for him to linger the hell away from there.
Now I'm watching COPS. Some chick just about ran a guy over, and they found about an ounce of crystal meth on him. Now they're trying to pull over some guy in a truck. America is the land of people who carry guns around a lot. The guy has just described the woman he's with - who is carrying several knives - as 'hot but flaky'.
Speaking of knives, for Christmas I want a Buck Vanguard - it's the nice one on the top of this image. I handled one at Bass Pro last week and decided it was the best camping knife I'd ever handled. Wow.
COPS is way better than To Serve and Protect. Or worse. Depends on how you look at it.