Tuesday, February 27, 2007

How To Move From A Condo To A House

For the last few weeks we have been making efforts to move from our condominium on the lake front in downtown Toronto to a house in the suburbs. It really isn't as difficult as I would have thought - I suppose having a patient attitude helps a lot. I will detail efforts and activities as we go along, in case anyone else is involved in a similar venture.

3 weeks ago:

1. Engaged with a selling agent. She came by and said we didn't really have to do anything to the unit other than 'de-clutter and depersonalize'. So that potential buyers can visualize themselves living in our condo, removing pictures of ourselves, dog, relatives etc... is paramount, and by de-cluttering, we make the space more inviting and open - ready for the paintbrushes of their minds. So to speak. As they say. In a manner of speaking. She suggests we will sell quickly - we're meeting her again tonight to do some paperwork.

2 weeks ago:

2. Engaged with Mr. Banker Mortgage man. He says we can get a mortgage for a new home. That is nice. He seems to think we're worth the risk.

3 weeks ago:

3. Engaged with a buying agent. We met with her this past Saturday, and discussed our goals and preferences. She was referred to us by our selling agent by means of an informal network. She then drove us around town and showed us some bungalows and split-levels. We liked one of them a lot. It now feels so real, now that we've seen some places.

1 week ago:

4. We have spent the last couple of days boxing up items, moving them (my Dad drove out yesterday and helped immensely by lugging out boxes to my folks' house), and wow it is amazing how much a couple of young folks and a dog can accumulate in a smallish condo in nearly 4 years.


5. Engaged with a cleaning lady who is coming in to give the place a good scrub. She was referred to us by our selling agent by means of that now-increasingly-suspicious informal network. Hmmm.

In 1 week:

5. Saturday we have an open-house planned. I am hoping that a contingent of Saudi oil sheiks have recently moved to Toronto for obscure business reasons and are looking for a condo on the Toronto Waterfront, and wish to pay a huge premium to us.

Hopefully in 3 weeks:

6. Once we've sold and bought, we'll change where we live and live happily ever after until we move again.
