Look at my desk. More papers are being removed, torn up and placed in the recycling bin, than are being placed on my desk by Dave the I.T. guy, or as a result of important financial documents being placed there for my signature, or as a result of printed out e-mails which for some reason makes me feel a bit more organized.
Look at my desk. The ubiquitous sticky notes stuck all over my monitor, desk top, and in one case, my arm, have been written down in my log book, de-duplicated and disposed of.
Look at my desk. Only a few papers remain.
Look at my log book. No more duplicates. Everything put forward to this date. Many items crossed out, due to completion, not to de-duplication efforts.
Look at my activity level. Constant, steady, quickened, not-manic, purposeful, adroit, flexible and turnacious. Turnacious is not a word. Please suggest your best dictionary definition for turnacious. Please use this word in a sentence. Please use it in a curse. Please use it in a prayer. Please suggest a novel way to use this word, involving a jump-suit, carnations, a box of mints and a dump-truck.
Look at me. 5:30 and still plugging away here at work.
Just look.